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- About PRRC -

Plastic Recycling Research Cluster

Awarded in 2021 through the UBC Eminence Program by Vice-Principal Research Office, this cluster brings together a multi-disciplinary team of researchers. The cluster is mandated to connect with a large number of pertinent industries, and help local and national government jurisdictions manage plastic waste more systematically, backed up by science. The research team focuses on the entire production supply chain, from plastic waste recovery and re-manufacturing to multi-criteria performance assessment of the final product, including durability, end-of-life design, socio-economic impact analysis, and policy making.

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Projects Overview

Recovery of Plastic Waste

This work is focused on the development of sustainable and green strategies for materials development, polymer processing.

Management and Environmental Perspectives

Our cluster has an expertise in operations management, CLSCN design, and decision-making under uncertainty.

Behavioral Change, Policymaking and Social Innovation

This project investigates the current plastic recycling industry to determine the motivators and barriers of behavioral change .


Cluster Members

Assistant Professor
Dr. Mohammad Arjmand
Associate Professor
Dr. Jiaying zhao
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At PRCC, we take multi-disciplinary approach to mitigate waste plastic problem. Our research team focuses on plastic waste recovery and its remanufacturing, performce assement, socio-economic impact analysis and policy making.

We have expertise in plastic recycling and proper waste management.

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